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Lunch Detentions may be assigned by school personnel in a case where a student has violated student conduct rules such as not attending an assigned detention.

  1. Sessions will be scheduled by the administrators or their designee.

  2. Students must bring lunch with them to the detention room only no later than 5 minutes after the beginning of the lunch period. Students will eat and sit quietly throughout detention period.

  3. Students who arrive past the 5 minute mark, will be considered tardy to detention and will serve that days lunch detention the next time they have lunch and also receive an additional lunch detention for the tardy.

  4. Missing an assigned lunch detention date will result in an additional lunch detention. 

  5. Students who are asked to leave a session because of behavior will result in a removal, a discipline referral and further administrative action.

A teacher is permitted to suspend a student from class for up to one class period when a student engages in any repeated inappropriate behaviors or any major acts of misbehavior which include but are not limited too:  physical aggression towards himself/herself or others; profane or vulgar comments (oral or written) toward the classroom teacher, district employees, or other students during class time; and/or inappropriate physical contact of a sexual nature.  The student will not return to the classroom that day without the mutual agreement of the teacher and the principal.  

SUSPENSION (Board Policy 5610) 
Major violations of the Student Code of Conduct may result in suspension.  Building level administrators will determine the length of the suspension (from 1-10 days).  Before suspending a student, the administrator shall consider the seven factors mentioned here.  The parents/guardians will be notified of the action taken and will have complete custody of their child during the suspension.  The student will be readmitted to school after a satisfactory solution to his/her conduct is agreed upon by the student, parent/guardian, and administrator.  The suspension period is from the first day of suspension until  the student is scheduled to be re-admitted to school. School work will be provided to students when requested by their administrative secretary if the suspension is for three or more days, and they will receive credit for work completed. During a suspension students are not allowed to be on school property or to attend any school-related activities unless given specific permission by an administrator.  If found on campus, a suspended student will be charged with trespassing.

Long-term suspension means the exclusion of a student from school for a period in excess of ten school days up to and including 180 days.  The Board of Education and/or its Superintendent designee shall have authority to suspend or permanently expel a student for persistent disobedience or gross misconduct.  Before suspending or expelling a student for any offense (except for possession of a firearm), the Board of Education/Superintendent shall consider these factors.

DUE PROCESS (Board Policy 5611) 
Students have a right to due process whenever they are subject to any serious disciplinary action, such as, but not limited to, suspension and expulsion.  If a student or his/her parent/guardian feels that his/her rights have been violated, a written appeal must be submitted to the building principal within 30 days of the original disciplinary action.  If the matter is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, he/she may appeal to the superintendent, the local Board of Education, and the State Board of Education, in that order.

Restorative practice requirements for implementation are individualized based on the behavioral learning outcome as identified through a restorative meeting.  Restorative practices in place of suspension will only take place after the student and his/her parent/guardian have agreed to and signed the Restorative Practice Commitment Agreement.  

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