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Student safety is a responsibility of the staff.  All staff members are familiar with emergency procedures such as fire, tornado, and lock down drills and accident reporting procedures.  Should a student be aware of any dangerous situation or accident, she/he must notify any staff person immediately. State law requires that all students must have an emergency medical card completed, signed by a parent or guardian, and filed in the School office.  A student may be excluded from school until this requirement has been fulfilled. Students with specific health care needs should deliver written notice about such needs along with proper documentation by a physician, to the MHS Front Office.


Information sheets stating directions to follow in the event of a tornado, fire drill, lock-down, or evacuation are posted in each classroom.  Students will be notified of an emergency by a fire alarm, tornado alarm and/or P.A. announcement.  Attention and cooperation are necessary during all drills and emergencies.  Teachers will give further instructions about leaving the building during emergencies.  In case of an emergency, students must remember to be quiet and follow all instructions of teachers.

If the school must be closed or the opening delayed because of inclement weather or other conditions, the school will notify the local radio and television stations, and notice will be posted on the school website: We also can be followed on Facebook  for emergency closings and delays.

Students must not obstruct school personnel during a crisis situation such as a medical emergency or a physical altercation.   Students are expected to immediately leave the area and not contribute negatively to the situation.  Students who interfere with the efforts of school personnel will be subject to disciplinary action.

The state of Michigan requires all public schools to hold 5 fire drills, 2 tornado drills, and 3 lock down drill, one of which must be non-standard.

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