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Students are prohibited from accessing and/or distributing at school any pictures, written material, or electronic material, including material from the Internet or from a blog, that: 

  1. Will cause substantial disruption of the proper and orderly operation and discipline of the school or school activities;

  2. Violates the rights of others, including but not limited to material that is libelous, invades the privacy of others, or infringes on a copyright;

  3. Is socially inappropriate or inappropriate due to maturity level of the students, including but not limited to material that is obscene, pornographic, or pervasively lewd and vulgar, or contains indecent and vulgar language; or

  4. Is primarily intended for the immediate solicitation of funds.

The distribution of non-school-sponsored written material must occur at a time and place and in a manner that will not cause disruption, be coercive, or result in the perception that the distribution or the material is endorsed by the school district.  

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